Die Suche ergab 4 Treffer

von matsubi
Mo 14. Okt 2024, 13:36
Forum: Feature requests - Neue Funktionen
Thema: Please support major Alduino boards such as esp32
Antworten: 3
Zugriffe: 2811

Re: Please support major Alduino boards such as esp32

Thanks for the reply. But the board I'm using is "ESP32 S3 SuperMini". It's not "C3 SuperMini" (which doesn't support USB serial) I can see it in the USB device list on the app. I tried connecting it for testing during development, but nothing was displayed on the GPS Connector s...
von matsubi
Mo 14. Okt 2024, 13:25
Forum: Feature requests - Neue Funktionen
Thema: Restart the app if NMEA is not received for a certain period of time
Antworten: 3
Zugriffe: 3430

Re: Restart the app if NMEA is not received for a certain period of time

Thanks for your reply. I'm looking forward to seeing you implement it in your application.
von matsubi
Mo 14. Okt 2024, 04:45
Forum: Feature requests - Neue Funktionen
Thema: Restart the app if NMEA is not received for a certain period of time
Antworten: 3
Zugriffe: 3430

Restart the app if NMEA is not received for a certain period of time

After a GPS device is connected to a smartphone, even if GPS Connector is started at the same time, the app may not function. It is resolved when I restart the GPS Connector. This issue was also occurring with other GNSS provider apps. Therefore, I would like to add a setting to restart the app if N...
von matsubi
Mo 14. Okt 2024, 04:34
Forum: Feature requests - Neue Funktionen
Thema: Please support major Alduino boards such as esp32
Antworten: 3
Zugriffe: 2811

Please support major Alduino boards such as esp32

GPS CONNECTOR does not recognize Espressif ESP32 S3 SuperMini's USB serial. esp32 can be NMEA verified in other apps. I would like to see support for major Arduino-based boards. GPS modules with built-in electronic compasses such as QMC5883L are increasing. I would like to use an ESP32 instead of a ...