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Can I shut down the application from another app via intent?

Verfasst: Do 23. Dez 2021, 21:59
von wangmoo

Thank you for the great application.

Can I shut down the application from another app via intent?

Thank you so much.

Re: Can I shut down the application from another app via intent?

Verfasst: Fr 24. Dez 2021, 08:31
von Mazuch
Can I shut down the application from another app via intent?
Yes - you can.

Just set a boolean (true) flag named "de.pilablu.gpsconnector.INTENT_EXIT_APP" in your Intent extra data
and the class name of the intent to "de.pilablu.gpsconnector.status.model.StatusActivity".

I'm using the same mechanism in the GNSS status notification. (there is a exit app action in the notification)
